Social Media Tips For Insurance & Accountants

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Friday, November 25, 2011

Creating A Social Media System (For Insurance)

On average I talk with a few hundred insurance agents each month. Almost every agent has now accepted the fact that facebook must now become part of their daily marketing plan. Commissions are going down, competition is growing and agents know they need to touch more potential clients. Facebook’s viral marketing capabilities are the most efficient and cost effective solutions. The problem is to make facebook part of your daily model you need to have a plan or a “System” so it doesn’t take up to much of your time.

There are four keys to a successful facebook system, Aesthetics, Daily Distribution Growth, Posting Scheduling, and Posting Strategy. If all of these things are done properly and daily you shouldn’t be spending more than ten to fifteen minutes a day on the facebook aspect of your insurance agency.

Aesthetics – The facebook business fan page allows users to customize the look and feel of the page. Like
any website it’s important to keep things fresh. Every agency should been using the “Reviews” application, where clients can leave testimonials. This will allow you to gain “Virtual Credibility” to potential viral traffic. More importantly you should be taking advantage of the new “Static HTML” applications. These allow you to create content that can direct people to become fans as well as allow users to actually quote and buy your insurance products from your facebook page. (Note: I now offer these Apps, if interested email

Aesthetics Tip: Spend five minutes each week reviewing your competitor’s facebook business pages. See what new customization and technology they are using. Remember having a page is one thing, having the tools that can turn traffic into sales and leads is another….. always be on the lookout!

Daily Distribution Growth (Adding Fans) – The most important part of social media is having distribution. Without it you’re just typing to yourself. I find that adding fans is what truly separates the impulsive novices from the innovative experts. Honestly there is no magic formula for adding fans it takes time and some effort. Your goal should be 50% of your current clients as well as 20% of your potential clients as fans.

Daily Distribution Growth Tip: Every time you meet or talk to a client, take their email address and type it into the facebook search box. If they have a facebook profile, request to be their friend. It’s the modern day handshake and because you just talked to them, they will accept the request quickly. Once the friend request is accepted send them a facebook message, direct them to your fanpage and tell them why and how they should become a fan of your page. If this is done consistently then it shouldn’t take more then two minutes a day to grow your friends and fans!

Posting – Scheduling / Strategy: I find that insurance agencies struggle with posting strategy the most. This is because most don’t have one, they impulsively post, which is the worst thing you can do on facebook if its business related. Keep in mind three things, your post has the ability to keep your current clients satisfied with your services plus alert potential clients of them, your post can be interacted with and generate viral traffic to your page and your post will be indexed via the search engines and could generate SEO to your page. My point is, posting is important! You should have a preset posting schedule as well as a plan on what you’re posting about. You should spend no more then two minutes a day preparing and submitting your post.

Posting Schedule Tip: The best times to post are when people are playing around on facebook at work. Keep in mind that when you post it goes to someone’s news feed. If they don’t come on to facebook for a few hours after you post, your post could be buried and not read. Best times to post are right before lunch and right after lunch (11:30am or 1:30pm) or right before people are about to head home (4:30pm). If you’re going to post on the weekend, do it early around (8:00am).

Posting Strategy Tip: The best posting strategy is a balanced one. First determine who your current fans are and think of posting topics that they are going to “Comment and Like”. If your fans are local, then talk about local events etc. I suggest having a three pronged posting strategy. One - post 33% of the time about what you’re an expert in. Two- post 33% of the time about things that will generate interaction. Three- post 33% of the time about things people fear that are relevant to your agency then offer a solution to their fears.

Using Social Media is a lot like working out, everyone try’s it but in the end most people burn out or give up. The reason being it’s a marathon with very little short term return. You have to commit yourself and do the little things each day to stay ahead of the curve and in the race…… Make no mistake the race has begun, will you finish?