Social Media Tips For Insurance & Accountants

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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Why Social Media Drives You Crazy

I was talking to a decent sized P&C Agency the other day. I was making some suggestions on posting strategy and they immediately said, “Well I heard at a seminar that doing that won’t work!”

Fact: Nothing is set in stone with social media; one man’s success could be another’s bitter failure.

The reality is this; everyone has a different set of “Connections” for their social media distribution.

Think of yourself as a performer on stage, you have a huge audience sitting in front of you. Those are your “Connections, Fans & Followers”.

So even though a joke may have gotten a lot of laughs on someone else’s page or “Stage”, well your audience may not care for it.

This is why people go crazy, there is no magic, there is no book that tells you the answers, it’s about knowing your audience, playing the odds and doing a lot of trial and error.

This means failing….. Something a lot of salesman can’t stand.

Are you ready to fail 10x’s to finally succeed……….