Social Media Tips For Insurance & Accountants

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Friday, June 27, 2014

Technology Your Insurance Agency Should Have Today

Below is an overview on what we feel the top insurance agencies are doing when it comes to website and social media setup and strategy. If you feel you are behind in the game contact us for a free consultation.

P&C Agents & Agencies (Your Website Should Allow Your Clients The Option To)
-File a Claim Online Via Carriers Site
-Make a Payment Via Carriers Site
-Request A Certificate
-Take online Defensive Driving Class

Life & Health Agents & Agencies (Your Website Should Allow Your Clients The Option To)
-Quote or Enroll any individual medical and voluntary products
-Compare term insurance products and rates (via a rating engine given to you by IMO)
-Have an educational section on healthcare reform

-Should now have video testimonials from clients (written ones now deemed worthless)

Social Media
-Should have a Facebook, LinkedIn & Twitter page setup for agency
-Should have at least 55% of your book of business following you
-Should be posting 5x’s a week (balanced content strategy)

Ken French