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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Facebook = Viral Marketing

Facebook = Viral Marketing

If I have 450 friends on Facebook and comment on your recent Facebook Fan Page update, then my comment is now streamed out to all 450 of my friends.

These are 450 people they you don’t even know, who may have never heard of you before, and who are now possibly clicking your link and checking you out.

Please tell me how an email marketing campaign achieves anything close?

And just the simple act of someone “Like’ing” your Facebook Fan Page is broadcast out to all of that person’s friends.

When someone subscribes to your email list, who knows about it other than you?

And from the standpoint of authority, on Facebook if one of my friends comments or likes something, it peaks my interest just a tad bit more simply because it’s one of my friends that did it – it’s not some unknown person who means nothing to me.

I hope you see my point and get the vision of the exposure your business can accomplish through Facebook.

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