Social Media Tips For Insurance & Accountants

Snoozzy Inc. offers all of its members weekly training webinars & tips on how to utilize social media to grow their firms and agencies. To become a member go to and signup for the free trial.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Social Media Philosophy for Insurance Agents

The point of Social Media for insurance agencies is to stay in front of their current client base. If you have a good posting strategy you can take advantage of Social Media’s “Viral Marketing” aspect and actually get your agency in front of your client’s friends and families.

Fact: Successful insurance agencies are built on referrals and solid retention.
Fact: Social Media is valuable because a high % of people pay attention to it.

That being said it’s a very simple process.

One: Setup a social media presence for your agency (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter accounts)
-Having all three is actually vital for your websites SEO (Google now looks for “Social Activity”).

Two: Start posting five days a week. Post about industry news, helpful tips and things on people’s minds. (Never solicit)

Three: Reach out to your clients via email or your agency newsletter. Tell them you’re investing in the future and that your social media presence is a free value added service for them. It’s something that separates you from your competition. Give them instructions on how to become connected.

Four: Never stop the above process…. You need to be constantly posting, you need to be constantly adding new connections. It never stops!
If you believe that insurance is a numbers game and that people only buy insurance when they have to. Then social media is a free, innovative way to get your agency in front of those numbers. To project yourself as a guru or expert that can guide the consumer to the right risk management solution.

I am offering a free webinar that offer more indepth analysis and how to on this subject. 

Feel free to signup below
Webinar Date: 7/16 (From Noon to 12:30 – Eastern Standard)

Ken French
973-607-1916 Ext 1

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