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Thursday, June 23, 2011

Using Facebook To Generate Insurance Leads

I hear the same old story every day from all of the insurance agencies I talk to, “The phone doesn’t ring like it used to, we barely get any walk-ins and we try to buy leads, but….. there not very good. “

With commissions going down constantly, how are you going to increase your insurance sales volume without spending significant money?

The answer is the facebook business fanpage! If you know what you’re doing, you can actually generate your own traffic to your Facebook Insurance Agency fanpage. The key is to setup your page with the right customization applications, so you can harness that traffic and turn it into leads and referrals. The reason I am confident in this, is I do it every day for my business.

Anyone who uses the internet to market their brand and to generate insurance leads craves consistent website traffic. The problem is its becoming harder and harder to consistently generate traffic to your website for the average insurance agency. There are more websites and professional lead generation companies than ever before. Plus, people use the internet differently than they used to.

Step 1 - Understanding The Difference Between The Facebook Personal & Facebook Business Fanpage

There always seems to be confusion on the difference between the facebook personal page and the facebook business fanpage template. In short, the biggest difference is the ability to customize.

Facebook Personal Page – Allows you to request to be friends with anyone who has a facebook account. If the other user accepts your request they then become part of your guaranteed distribution list. This means when you post something on your wall it’s guaranteed to go to all of your friends news feeds. Think of adding friends as adding email addresses to your drip marketing system. The variable is if one of those friends “interacts” with what you posted, meaning they “LIKE” it or leave a comment, your post actually goes out to their entire friend list as well. This means you gain distribution and potentially could draw more traffic to your post or your actual personal profile. The bad news is your personal profile lacks any type of conversion tools that will turn that traffic into an insurance lead or referral, at least consistently.

The Facebook Business Fanpage – In some ways is very similar to the personal page, however instead of friends who are your posting distribution, you have fans. Anyone can go to your fanpage and click on the “LIKE” button at the top center of the page to become a fan. Similar to friends, fans equal guaranteed posting distribution. The biggest difference from the personal page is the ability to customize your page. Users can add applications that facebook offers as well as applications they create themselves. You need to add customization to your page to control and convert the traffic that you generate.

Step 2 - Generating Consistent Traffic

All good fanpages are designed to generate results from the traffic they generate via posting. The key with posting is to consistently get your fans to comment or click the “LIKE” button below the post. Again this will send your post out to all their friends, increasing your distribution and potential traffic to your fanpage. Example, let’s say you have 500 fans, and each day when you post, that post gets 3 to 4 interactions. Your distribution could be around 2 or 3 thousand potential visitors each day. The key is to have a posting strategy that gets your fan base to interact. Note: Sometimes talking about insurance all the time is not the best idea.

Step 3 - Creating Credibility (Reviews Application)

The first customization tool you need to utilize is the free “Reviews App” on facebook. This will allow anyone who is a fan of your page to leave a written testimonial about your agency. When traffic comes to your page, that will likely be the first thing they view. Everyone wants to know what other people think of a service. If you have good reviews, that traffic will then move to the next step, seeing if what you sell is something they need.

Step 4Converting Traffic into Leads (Shop For Insurance Application)

Once you have checked out as a credible company to do business with, you need to have some tools on the fan page that lets people quote and enroll in your insurance products. Most insurance companies now offer agents their own enrollment links for their products. Plus there are many third party companies that offer quoting comparison tools that can also be very useful. offers an I-Frame application called (Shop For Insurance) that can put all of these tools internally on your facebook fanpage. Allowing traffic to actually quote and enroll in your products right from facebook. Or use the “Share” option to send it to someone else on facebook they know who needs that product.

View a Current Broker Using "Shop For Insurance"
(Click Shop For Insurance) on his facebook page

Everything I spoke of, I do personally at I will be honest it’s not easy and it takes a lot of trial and error sometimes. However if you can be creative and can consistently get interaction with your posts, then you will generate traffic and eventually leads. Assuming you have a fan page with the right conversion tools to harness that traffic.

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