Social Media Tips For Insurance & Accountants

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Monday, August 8, 2011

Understanding Social Media For Your Insurance Agency

When it comes to using social media to market and grow your insurance agency, there always seems to be a few things insurance agencies struggle with. During the last 18 months I have talked to over 5,000 agents about what social media really is, how it can help and where it’s going. The three big things agencies seem to struggle with are (1) How does it all really work? (2) How do I make it part of my daily model without wasting time? (3) How is social media any different than my current website, that by the way I never get any results from?

My goal below is to offer some big picture ideas and strategies to help you and your insurance agency keep pace.

How does social media really work for an insurance agency?
The first thing you have to accept and understand is social media is not advanced alien technology. Whether it’s facebook, Linkedin, Twitter or now Google Plus social media is just a communication tool that a high percentage of people are currently paying attention too. Regardless, as a salesman you always want to be in a large crowd of people projecting yourself to be a solution to a “situation”. Thirty years ago you likely cold called every day, I am sure you didn’t enjoy it but you did it because people took phone calls seriously and paid attention to your “pitch”. In 2011 social media is no different, you still may not like doing it, but the point is it gives you the highest percentage of your “pitch” being understood. This allows you to connect with potential clients or getting referred to someone in a “situation” that you’re good at solving. Basically the same goals you’ve always had, just accomplished with different a communicational method.

If you’re new to social media I suggest starting with a facebook business fanpage. You can create one for free and then market it out to all current clients, potential clients and friends. Gaining as many “fans” as possible, “fans” are who your messages go to when you post. However if one of those fans interacts with your post by “liking it” or “commenting” your post will then go to all of their friends. Basically we are replacing your weekly newsletter with a more interactive daily communication tool for your agency. Allowing you to project your agencies character on a more consistent basis.

How do I make it part of my daily model?
There are four keys to a successful social media system: Posting Aesthetics, Daily Distribution Growth, Posting Scheduling and Posting Strategy. If all of these things are done properly and on a daily basis, you shouldn’t need to spend more than 10 to 15 minutes a day on the social media aspect of your insurance agency.

During the day your ten minutes of social media time should either be spent inviting people to be distribution to your pages or posting something that is either projecting your agency to be an expert in your field or trying to create interaction to generate more distribution to your brand. Remember when you post that you want to post at the right times of the day, when people are likely surfing the net and viewing your posts.

How to make social media different than your website
I think the biggest thing with having a social media presence is having a real purpose for it, a “niche”. If you were to go out to lunch with one of your top clients and you told him to become a fan of your facebook agency page. What would your answer be if he asked you why? Most agencies can’t answer that question they say they have a social media presence just to have one. To me, this sounds like the exact answer they would give if asked why they had a website. Remember social media is a communication tool, your message goes out to people. Unlike a website where you’re trying to get people to come to it.

Fact is millions of brands have their own social media presence now, if you’re going to be successful you have to truly offer your clients and your distributions something unique consistently. The hard part of about that is it’s different for everyone. I always like to say your social media niche should be focused around what you’re truly passionate about. If you’re an expert on insurance for municipalities then focus on that, if you’re a great cook then talk cooking. My point is if you can consistently project your passion on a daily basis, your fan base will realize that, connect with you and truly see value in your brand. That’s regardless if its insurance related or not. This is an important point that so many people fail to realize. Social media is a gossip center; you’ve got to offer something that people want to tell other people about. Once you can do that consistently your brand will reach more people then it every did before, for free, in a matter of seconds!

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