Social Media Tips For Insurance & Accountants

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Sunday, August 28, 2011

What Is Valueable Posting Information

I talk to around 500 insurance agencies a month. When it comes to understanding how to generate interaction on facebook and Linkedin…. most are clueless.

Social Media interaction is defined as you or your agency posting something and then one of your friends or fans clicking that they “LIKE” it, commenting on it or sharing it with their friends. Interaction causes your post to then to go to that interactors friends list. Allowing you to increase your messages distribution. If everyone understood how this worked it would clearly be their # 1 goal, at all times when determining posting content.

Social Media, especially facebook is a very unique communication center. Gossip is king and facts are ignored. This leaves many insurance agents frustrated and clueless on how to market their brand and what to post.

Middle School Lunch Table Analogy- Think of communicating on facebook like talking at the middle school lunch table. If the nerdy kid next to you said “The Sun is 93 million miles from the Earth”. Would you care? Or even continue the discussion? However if he said “I heard the Sun is going to suck in the Earth next week.” You would likely interact and respond.

My point is, just posting random insurance facts and articles is not going to generate interaction. Value on facebook comes from stories, opinions, advice, and reviews of things. So keep that in mind when it comes to your posting strategy!

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