Social Media Tips For Insurance & Accountants

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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Facebook Vs Linkedin

Let’s say you won a contest and were able to film a TV commercial for your insurance agency. The commercial would be shown on ABC and CBS during prime time viewing hours. Both networks guarantee at least 10 million people will see the commercial on each channel.

The problem is you have a real personal dislike for ABC, you refuse to watch the channel.
So the question is, will you let your “personal feelings and thoughts” effect guaranteed exposure for your agency? Or will you put those feelings aside and use common sense and let the commercial run on each network for free?

The reason I use this example is because I feel it’s the same dilemma most agencies are having between LinkedIn and Facebook. Linkedin has done an incredible job at marketing themselves as “The true business” social media. Where, Facebook has been painted as a hangout for teenagers. It’s amazing how many insurance agencies refuse to use facebook.

Fact is more people clearly use facebook and facebook is far easier to obtain quicker results. Whereas LinkedIn offers very unique lead generating tools however you have to be an expert to use them and get results.

I guess my point is both LinkedIn and Facebook are very powerful marketing tools. You’re making a mistake by ignoring either. Both need to be utilized and mastered if you value marketing and referrals.

Ken French
973-607-1916 Ext 1

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