Social Media Tips For Insurance & Accountants

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Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Does Your Website Cost You Referrals

What many insurance agents fail to realize is a website can actually hurt you more than help you. Most people between the ages of 18 and 40 will now do on-line research on any professional they’re referred to. This means your website, Facebook Page, LinkedIn Page, Blog and any other web presence will be judged!

Web Presence Red Flags – Things that scare people away!

Very Old Website Technology – When I go to a website that clearly is over 4 or 5 years old, that tells me that this agency doesn’t like to invest in things. Meaning their either cheap or lazy.

Dead Links on a Website – There is nothing worse than going to a site and clicking on something interesting and getting a “Page Cannot Be Found” error. To me this means this agency doesn’t pay attention to details.

Facebook / LinkedIn “No friends” – When I do a Social Media search on someone and see they have very few connections. Did this agency give it a try for one day then give up? I wonder if they will give up on me when I need help?

No Web Presence At All – The biggest red flag is if the agency has no web presence at all. To the consumer this means the agency is a mystery and to use them would be taking a risk or chance.

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