Social Media Tips For Insurance & Accountants

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Thursday, January 27, 2011

What Happened To My Insurance Referrals?

There is nothing like getting a phone call from a referral of a current client. Most of the time it leads to a very efficient and quick insurance sale. Referrals are what most successful insurance agencies are built on, it’s what you crave, and it’s what you work hard for!

I talk to between 500 and 1000 different insurance agencies each month. The common theme in almost every conversation is the phone isn’t ringing like it used to. Agencies are confused why! More importantly their getting very frustrated!

In my opinion referrals aren’t disappearing, there being generated more virtually. When someone needs a plumber today, they aren’t calling up their friends or looking in the yellow pages (that’s too risky). People are posting on social media asking if anyone knows a good one. The response that comes back may be from a few acquaintances or people you hardly know, but if the review of that plumber seems strong, then that person may call that plumber instantly.

My point is for the first time in maybe your insurance agencies history you’re forced to create a little “Buzz” about your agency. You’re forced to really open up to the entire world and show that your creative, your professional and more importantly you’re an expert in your field!

There is a big difference between a lead and a referral. If you want to get that phone ringing again with efficient referral sales you need to start promoting your brand on facebook, Linkedin, Twitter and soon enough Google +!

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